Welcome to Sagaeast Corporation Limited


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What We Do


Your business is unique, make sure your website is too.

Achieving commercial success boils down to your website offering a great user experience (UX). It’s as simple and complex as that!

Ensuring your customers get your message relies on delivering an engaging experience, through modern website design, compelling them to take the next step. Central to this is our intimate understanding of user behavior, responsive websitescontent strategies & various analytical tools. Having access to multiple devices throughout your day means your website needs to morph like a chameleon to adapt to it’s changing environment. Full stop.

What’s more, continuous improvement is critical to user engagement and the ongoing success of your website. Measuring results using analytics allows you to make informed decisions about the effectiveness not only of your custom web design but your complete digital strategy.

Sagaeast is a web design and development company in Melbourne, and we’ve had a front row seat in the website design industry since 2013. As the technology has grown and advanced, so have we.


Turning website design concepts into a functioning masterpiece.

Web development is more than just creating Content Management Systems (CMS). Our web application development team is responsible for a number of ‘behind the scenes’ tasks such as integrating existing systems, creating a customised CMS, web application development, CRM’s, intranets and security, to name a few.

Our team are also enthusiastic Magento developers who love to build engaging shopping cart websites. Their knowledge and expertise in eCommerce website development ensures your shoppers remain engaged throughout the buying process. By linking analytics to your cart our developers can help us identify issues in the checkout process and rectify them to prevent future abandonments.

Want to integrate your web application or eCommerce website to your accounting system? Our web developers have the expertise and love a challenge!

Basically, we come up with the great website designing ideas and our team of switched on web developers then integrate and execute to provide our clients with premium websites or applications.


Putting you in clear view of customers searching online.

Smart businesses have recognised the importance of search engine optimisation (SEO) in being visible to potential customers.

Being on page 1 of search engines is critical to your success.

Based on our years of hard work & maintaining successful results, we know that user engagement plays a defining role in consistently delivering return on investment. Unique content marketingcreative website design and sending traffic to your website all form part of your SEO strategy, but there’s more.

Online search habits of users keep evolving. So your website has to follow suit.

Also your web page might look professional but if the traffic doesn’t convert why would you spend money on getting top search engine rankings? That’s why we review analytics and make ongoing necessary updates to your website to make the most of your SEO spend.

Armed with an ethical white hat SEO strategy Sagaeast will help your website move up the search engine rankings.



You're reading this so we must be doing something right!

Sagaeast is a creative agency that lives and breathes content marketing that is original, interesting and informative.

We craft communications that are clear, compelling and consistent with your brand, in a style that engages with your target audience. By creating a customer persona we can develop key messages that speak to your audience in a familiar language. Comprende?

A successful content marketing strategy can include any combination of website photography, videos, short paragraphs with subheadings, bullet points, infographics and all the important calls-to-action. Getting the right combination results in customers spending more time on your website, which in turn impresses the search engine spiders. We’d say that is high fives all round!

Research and planning are the keys to a successful content strategy. Adding to Sagaeast’s fabulousness is the fact that we will monitor the engagement rating of your website content and make recommendations for improvement.


Integrating your marketing communications across various online channels.

digital marketing strategy allows you to provide support to your website, by advertising it online. Your business can engage with its target audience on a regular basis. You’d know yourself how reliant we are on quickly finding what we want online.

The benefits of online marketing include speed to market, the ability to target specific audiences and instantly adapt communications, increased brand exposure, ability to have two-way communication and most importantly results that are measured in real-time.

Your digital content strategy will be developed by assessing your current situation, researching your market, choosing the right digital marketing channels and finally by implementing engaging digital content.

If we are driving traffic back to your website, Sagaeast needs to ensure that your website is fully equipped to successfully convert leads. Our creative team of web designers focus on delivering a mobile friendly and interactive user experience in everything they do.

Various analytical tools allow us to measure the success of your campaigns